The Dark Side of Breastfeeding
May 17 2007

Jennifer, also known as The Lactivist, posted on The Dark Side of Breastfeeding on May 15, 2007 and “WOW” the response has been huge and the moms who are breastfeeding or have breastfed are still chiming in.  I agree with her thoughts on breastfeeding….it’s not always as easy, fun, and rosy as some people make it out to be.  It is a full time 24×7 job.  Check out her post and share your thoughts.  I’m glad people can be honest about this topic.  We need to educate new moms who want to breastfeed abMMBA logoout the challenges as well as the joys of breastfeeding.  It is a wonderful experience but as Jennifer suggests there is also a darkside.

Jennifer is also a huge advocate for the Mother’s Milk Bank.  She is in Ohio.  I am in Texas (Austin) and fortunately both of our cities have Milk Banks in them!  For more information on milk banking please refer to my last post on the Mother’s Milk Bank of Austin.

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