It’s Nice to Win Something
Aug 5 2009

dark-pink-rosesSometimes I get lucky and win something.  Out of the blue I won the following just for being a subscriber to Parent Reviewers.

One (1) Grand Prize winner for the Grand Prize Pack including:
Wii Video Game ‘Ultimate I SPY’
Board Game ‘I SPY Memory Game’
I SPY A to Z: A Book of Picture Riddles
I SPY Treasure Hunt

Grand Prize Pack valued at $85.99

It arrived the other day and I opened the package this evening.  My daughter ran to show her brother the Wii game and he said “Whatever, it’s not Lego Star Wars.”  I told him he had a bad attitude and he said “Sorry” but didn’t really mean it because he has been dreaming about Lego Star Wars for quite some time because one of his best buds has it.   I’m sure he’ll like the I SPY game when he plays it.  Then we played the Board Game and he really enjoyed it and ended up winning by getting the most matches and beating me and his sister.  She’s a good sport because she’s two and a half years younger than he is so she usually doesn’t win unless he lets her win, which he frequently does so she’ll keep playing with him.  However, she often beats him at Bowling and Boxing on the Wii, which I think perplexes him.

He read one of the books and my daughter and I skimmed through the other but we were horrible at trying to find all the things in the complex pictures so we just talked about what we could find.  I think it’s a bit much for a 4 year old but she was excited to see the light houses because she remembered that we went inside one when we went on vacation to South Padre.

Thanks Elina at Parent Reviewers for being so cool and giving away cool prizes!

The random pictures of some lovely fuchsia/hot pink colored roses above are on my desk at work.  I got them this past weekend from Central Market (a grocery store here in Austin).  They opened up so beautifully and this mediocre iPhone picture of a few of them on my desk doesn’t really do them justice, but they are so pretty I thought I’d share.  They were 25 stems for $12.99!  I took some to work as well for some of the other women in the office.

Author: | Filed under: Just For Fun, random stuff | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “It’s Nice to Win Something”

  1. 1 Immomsdaughter said at 9:01 PM on August 5th, 2009:

    What a nice gesture to bring those lovely flowers for your colleagues. I would be thrilled if someone gave one to me 😉

    Btw, you’re certainly most welcome. Your kids remind me a lot of my own ones. They can play together pretty well if they wanted but they fight a lot too. LOL.
    .-= Immomsdaughter´s last blog ..Spelling Tests Of A Five Year Old =-.

  2. 2 Twitted by aruni said at 9:25 PM on August 5th, 2009:

    […] This post was Twitted by aruni […]

  3. 3 entrepreMusings » Diane Birch – Meet and Greet said at 8:32 PM on August 10th, 2009:

    […] Profiles « It’s Nice to Win Something […]

  4. 4 Diane Birch – Meet and Greet « Austin Entrepreneur Network said at 9:12 PM on August 10th, 2009:

    […] […]