Appreciate Your Employees. It’s Good For Business.
Sep 19 2012

Infographics are the rave right now.  Spell check hasn’t realized that infographic is a new word.  We create infographics for our clients where I work.  We also, in our spare time, create infographics for ourselves.  I happened upon this cool infographic on HR Morning (via a link from Texas CEO magazine) and had to share.  It’s so obvious to me that thanking your employees is good for business, but for some reason 65% of workers don’t receive ANY praise or appreciation.  They must work where Dilbert works.  Appreciating your kids, your friends, or your partners in life is so important.  A few kind and thankful words can go a long way in fostering loyalty, solving misunderstandings, building bridges, and most importantly bringing out the smiles & laughter. 🙂

Author: | Filed under: entrepreneurship, FYI, Just For Fun | Tags: , , , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Appreciate Your Employees. It’s Good For Business.”

  1. 1 Aditya said at 4:13 AM on September 20th, 2012:

    Hi Aruni,
    Employees are soul of the company and if they were appreciated for their work,it helps in the productivity of a company as well as the employees themselves.
    All they need is appreciation/motivation in terms of appraisal,increment in salary,performance appraisal etc.
    Thats the main need of them and if a business has to grow then they have to take care of all these things.

  2. 2 Joseph said at 10:41 PM on October 14th, 2012:

    Aruni I really enjoy these info*graph*ics and, indeed, your entire blog. I am excited about your music productions.

  3. 3 Aruni said at 8:33 PM on October 15th, 2012:

    @Aditya – I very much agree that employees need appreciation & motivation. They also need clear guidelines and ways to measure when they are achieving their goals.

    @Joseph – How nice of you to comment and I’m glad you’ve discovered my blog. I hope I can deliver some good music some day that resonates with someone. 🙂